Hair extensions are very fashionable these days, and if you want to make sure that you get a great set which will last you a while, then you should consider buying from us. We supply all-natural hair products, including hair extensions and wigs, to a wide range of clients. Our hair is a virgin Remy product, made from natural hair that is bought from Malaysia, India, Brazil and the Philippines. Our Culver City hair extension sets are the perfect choice if you want something long-lasting that looks completely natural.
About Our Remy Virgin Hair
Hair is described as Remy when it still has the hair cuticle, and the hair is falling naturally. Remy hair will have a weft which is the same as its original growth direction, so that the hair hangs naturally from the head. This prevents tangling and shedding of the hair, which can occur with other products which use cut hair, and do not follow the natural weft of the hair. We also call our hair 'virgin', because it is completely natural: not dyed, treated chemically or permed. This means that there is no hair damage on the products we sell.
Only Natural Shades
Because our hair is in its natural, 'virgin', state, this means that it is available in dark browns and blacks, as these are the natural shades of hair produced by the donors. The hair is not colored or altered in any way, so that it all blends together in a completely natural look. We will also remove hairs which are shorter than the standard, and any grey or discolored hair. This means that you get long, naturally dark hair, the best that can be sourced anywhere in Los Angeles
Get the Best Hair Extensions
You want to make sure that you get the best hair extensions, and that is why the Magic Hair Company is here to help you. Our Culver City hair extension sets are made from completely natural human hair, with no synthetics or animal products. They are also full Remy, and without any chemical treatments. This makes them perfect for anyone who wants to have hair extensions which look as much a part of their head as their own hair. Add luxury and length to your hair by ordering our products today. Speak to our customer service team on (310) 558-0181 now.